Tuesday, 21 May 2013

How to make a difficult decision

We all have moments in life when we must make difficult decisions. Which job offer should I choose? Should I marry this person? Should we have another child? Shall I buy or sell my home? Shall I divorce or try to save this marriage? Is it time to move a parent to an assisted-living facility?

These can be times of indecision and acute stress. You honestly don't know what to do. How can you solve the dilemma? Are there steps to take to ensure that you will make the best decision possible? Many people have found the following procedure to be invaluable.

1. Pray

You may not know the best answer, but God does. He is all-wise. Being outside of time. He sees the past and the future at once. He is aware of the outcome of each of your possible choices. Acknowledge your confusion and ask for His help. The Bible says, "Ask and it will be given you." Luke 11:9. Take God at His word, He can be trusted.

It's fine to request a sign showing the right way; God is a loving parent, anxious to help.

2. Consult

Speak to knowledgeable people, the best experts you can find in the area that's troubling you. It may a doctor, a social worker, a psychologist, a clergy person, an accountant, a lawyer or several of these. Read up on the subject. Consult the Internet. Gather all the relevant information your can find.

3. Discuss

Speak with two or three trustworthy friends, preferably those who know all the people involved in your dilemma. State the problem clearly in an unbiased manner. Ask for their opinions. Listen carefully. Often God speaks through other people.

4. Paper and pencil

Divide a piece of paper into two sections, or more if necessary. At the top of one column write: "Option 1- Advantages". At the top of the second column: "Option 2-Advantages". If you have more choices, add more columns. List every advantage you can think of under each possible option. One column will probably have more items than the others.

5. Consider

By now, you probably know which course of action is best. Take a few minutes to plan the next steps you need to take, to implement your decision. It's a good idea to write them down while you have the time and are thinking clearly. Don't forget to thank God for His help.

Act decisively and without hesitation. Be assured that you have done everything possible to make the right decision. Trust God and trust yourself. Together, you make an unbeatable team.