From the time of the creation of first humans, men and women were meant to live in monogamous relationships. "Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and clings to his wife, and they become one flesh." Gen. 2:24 Is it possible to tear flesh apart? Of course, but the result is extreme pain, trauma, and lifelong scars.
The sixth and ninth commandments confirm the Creator's intention regarding lifestyle. The Israelites were told not to commit adultery and not to covet a neighbor's wife. Jesus further sanctified marriage by performing His first miracle at the wedding feast at Cana.
Again, God confirmed that long-term, monogamous relationships are the ideal.
Why did an all-wise God establish this criterion? It was not for His good; He needs nothing from humans. It was for the benefit of the people He loved. Monogamous unions promote the spiritual, emotional, physical and financial health of individuals and the societies in which they live.
Following are five reasons why monogamous relationships are healthy:
1. Spiritual health. Happy, settled families are likely to live at peace with God and with the society in which they live. Because a married couple has energy and resources, they are more likely to reach out to others in need and in doing so, they may be led to thank God for the blessings and advantages they themselves enjoy.
2. Emotional health. Long-term couples have less stress; they are seldom lonely. Each one has a partner with whom to share joys and trials. In times of trouble they have the support of family members and friends to rely upon. They have established routines and traditions which help both day-to-day events and special occasions run smoothly.
3. Physical health. By having only one sexual partner, individuals avoid the STDs so prevalent in today's society: HIV-Aids, herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, and other distressing and debilitating diseases. In addition, a caring partner will see that their spouse eats well, gets enough sleep and visits the doctor when necessary. It has been proven that married people live longer than their single counterparts.
4. Material well-being. Long-term monogamous relationships contribute to the prosperity of both partners. There are two to contribute to the family coffers and to pay off financial obligations. Large purchases are discussed and impulse buying avoided. Settled couples are more likely to eat at home, spend evenings at home and save on restaurant and entertainment bills. There are many opportunities to save as a couple: one residence, family insurance coverage, one donation to charities, one bill for utilities, and one gift to buy from both, on special occasions.
5. Finally, monogamous relationships are the healthiest types of building blocks for building and maintaining a healthy society. The family is the smallest social unit. It should be permanent. Children need a secure environment in which to grow. They need dependable, consistent male and female role models. Since time immemorial, the family has been the best context in which to raise a child, and children are the future. A progressive, healthy society can only be built on stable family units, in which the parents are devoted to each other and to their offspring.
God knew best when He mandated monogamous relationships for His people. Is a lifelong marriage easy to achieve? No. Will there be bumps in the road? Bumps? Sometimes even mountains! However, lifelong marriage remains the ideal toward which everyone should strive. God knows we are imperfect human beings. Sometimes we make bad choices, we fail, and we fall. There is not one of the Commandments that hasn't been broken by many of us. We must accept the graces God sends us, not give in to despair and keep striving toward the ideal. The most fortunate among us, with His help, will attain it.
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