Saturday 5 May 2012

What if you knew you would die tomorrow?

A story is told about a devout monk who had lived in the monastery for many years. He had long ago been assigned to set the tables before meals, clear up afterward, and sweep the floors in the kitchen and refectory several times each day. He became a familiar sight to his brothers as they came and went from meals, his head bent over his broom, his eyes carefully scanning the gleaming hardwood floor for any stray crumbs, and his lips moving silently in prayer.

One day, his Superior asked: "Tell me Brother, if you knew you were to die tomorrow, and I could grant you a wish, how would you choose to spend your last hours?"

"Well, I would just keep on cleaning up and sweeping these floors as well as I could. This is where the good Lord placed me, and I want Him to find me hard at work when He comes to get me."

This has always seemed to me to be an excellent attitude. However, not being as saintly as the monk in the story, I would have to attempt to mend some fences, and make several apologies before I got back to work!

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