Thursday 19 April 2012

Arguments for belief in God

Science cannot prove the existence of God, because it focuses on creation not the Creator. It is concerned with matter, substances which can be discovered and manipulated through the use of the five senses and the application of natural laws. Humans do not set up these laws; they can only discover them.

God is Spirit. To find arguments for His existence, humans must use their mind, the logical reasoning power which differentiates us from the rest of creation. When the Bible says we are made in God's image, it refers to the human mind and spirit, not to our imperfect and corruptible bodies.

Consider then, if you will, these logical arguments for the existence of God.

* The First Cause Argument

At some point in the distant past, the universe came into existence. What begins to exist has a cause for coming into being. Nothing comes from nothing. Therefore there must be a Being outside the universe Who brought it into existence. This Being has no beginning or end, and transcends time as we know it.

* Argument From Desire

We are never perfectly happy on earth. As soon as we obtain a desired object, we start to want something else. All through life we are searching for that special something we think will make us perfectly happy. There must be a reason for this continual search and restlessness. Saint Augustine states, "You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you."

* Universal Moral Law Argument

Every society has rules which govern behavior. Humans instinctively know it is wrong to kill, to torture, to steal, and to lie.. These moral laws, written indelibly on the human heart, must be obeyed under all circumstances. They transcend man-made laws. The universal recognition and acceptance of these laws presupposes the existence of a Lawgiver greater than any human authority. This Supreme Authority is God.

* The Argument From the Existence of Intelligence

Everything in the universe is made up of matter, yet the universe is not intellectually aware of itself. The presence of intelligence and reason in the midst of the natural world is a variation on the First Cause Argument. Nothing comes from nothing. There must be a transcendent intelligent Being responsible for endowing the human race alone, out of all creation, with intelligence and reason.

* The Argument From Miracles

A miracle is an event which can only be satisfactorily explained through the direct intervention of God. There have been numerous miracles attested to by reliable witnesses. iracles/

* The Argument From the Evolution of Earth.

If the universe had started with a stronger or weaker "big bang", if the stars and planets had been positioned differently, if any of a zillion possible variations had occurred during the evolutionary period of Earth, it is unlikely that human life could have arisen and thrived. The fact that everything happened as if following a master plan, suggests the presence and the planning of a God concerned with the affairs of humanity.

* Blaise Pascal's Wager

In the seventeenth century Blaise Pascal, a mathematician, formulated the following argument:

"If you erroneously believe in God, you lose nothing (assuming that death is the absolute end), whereas if you correctly believe in God, you gain everything (eternal bliss). But if you correctly disbelieve in God, you gain nothing (death ends all), whereas if you erroneously disbelieve in God, you lose everything (eternal damnation). "

Science cannot prove the existence of God, but neither can it disprove His existence. Science deals with creation, spirituality deals with the Creator. The two can never be at odds, because Science only succeeds in discovering the hidden secrets God has embedded in creation.

As Paschal advised, the wisest course is to believe in God and act accordingly. In the grand scheme of things, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

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