Sunday 15 April 2012

Did Judas Iscariot go to hell?

Almighty God alone knows the final destination of the soul of Judas Iscariot. Judas undoubtedly committed sins serious enough to make him deserving of hell, but so have many humans we now regard as saints,

Consider Peter, the leader of the Apostles. He denied Christ three times. He was too cowardly to be present at the foot of the cross, with John, Mary and the other women. He hid in the upper room after Jesus' resurrection, for fear of the Jewish soldiers. Yet his sins and weaknesses were forgiven and he went on to be the first pope.

Consider the criminal we now know as the good thief. On Good Friday, he hung on a cross beside Jesus for his acknowledged crimes. The Bible doesn't relate the nature of his transgressions, but they were serious enough to warrant death as a punishment. Yet he expressed faith in Jesus as he was dying. "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." ( Luke 23:42 )

He was rewarded by immediate forgiveness and a promise of speedy transport to heaven. Jesus said," Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise." ( Luke 23:43 )

Judas' sin was serious as well. He betrayed the Son of God for thirty pieces of silver. His motivation is hard to understand. He had travelled with Jesus for three years. He had heard the teachings and witnessed the miracles. He was considered a close friend and acted as treasurer for the group,

The Bible only says "Then Satan entered into Judas..." ( Luke 22:3 ). If Satan was able to take over Judas' free will, then the man himself was not responsible for his subsequent actions. Perhaps God allowed this to happen so that Jesus could accomplish our salvation. We just don't know.

Judas had heard Jesus predict that he would die in Jerusalem. Perhaps he acted out of disappointment that Jesus was not going to be the great military leader the Jews had been hoping for, the one who would free them from Roman occupation.

We do know that Judas later regretted his action. He went back to the chief priests and tried to return the money. Then he committed the greatest sin of all. He gave in to despair.

He did not go to Jesus to apologize and ask forgiveness. He did not trust in Jesus infinite love for sinners. He had seen Jesus forgive others: Mary Magdalene, the Samaritan woman, and the tax collector. He had heard the parable of the Prodigal Son. Yet he didn't believe that he could be forgiven. He committed suicide,

Did he, like the good thief, repent at the last minute? Was he under Satan's influence when he betrayed Jesus? We'll never know, at least not in this world. There are too many unknown variables. The only thing that we can be sure of: only God Almighty knows the final destination of the soul of Judas Iscariot.

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