Sunday 22 April 2012

Five people (or beings) I want to meet in heaven

I believe that heaven is a definite place not just a state of being, because in the Gospels, Jesus tells us there are many mansions in his father's house, and mansions need something solid upon which to rest. Although our earthly bodies will have become spiritual bodies, with supernatural abilities in heaven, we will still be recognizable to one another. Peter, James and John recognized Moses and Elias on the mount of Transfiguration. Given these facts, when I arrive in God's kingdom, these are the five people (or Beings) I would most like to meet:

1) God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I count the Three as One because I believe in the Trinity, one God in three divine Persons. I would thank God most sincerely for having given me all the help I needed to get there.

2) My guardian angel. I need to thank him too, for not giving up on me. There were many times during my earthly life when he must have felt like it. However, he stuck with me, giving day-to-day guidance and inspiration, until, with his help and by the grace of Almighty God, I will finally have made it.

3) My parents. (I count them as one because I'm sure they'll be found together as they usually were in life.) They laid the groundwork for whatever I was able to become or accomplish during life. Through Baptism, they brought me into God's family. They taught me right from wrong and were exemplary role models of both Christian adulthood and parenthood. I'm sure they've helped me along the way through frequent and intensive prayers on my behalf.

4) Mary, Jesus' mother. She is the most perfect human being ever created. Jesus is her Son. He stayed at home with her for thirty of the thirty-three years of his earthly life, so she knows him better than any other person. I would love to hear the stories she could tell about when he was a little boy, a teenager, and a young man, back in Nazareth.

5) Moses. I have many questions for him. How were the pyramids built? When you were given the Commandments, did you actually see God? After forty years in the desert, you must have been glad to arrive at the Promised Land. Did you think it was fair that you weren't allowed to enter?

These would be the first five conversations I would seek to have in heaven. There would be so many others: departed grandparents, aunts and uncles, Old and New Testament figures, saints, historical heroes, the list is almost endless. There's one good thing about it: I'll never run out of time. When and if I make it to God's kingdom, I'll be there for all eternity.

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