Tuesday 24 April 2012

Essential qualities for Church leaders

One of the most difficult and demanding vocations on earth is leading a Church community. The person called to do so is attempting to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, the Son of God. However, (s)he lacks the benefit of the Lord's divine attributes, such as perfect wisdom and limitless love. Nevertheless, God will supply all the help necessary when asked in sincere and humble prayer.

Here are some qualities to which church leaders should aspire:
* They must have a genuine love for God and a vibrant prayer life. "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your mind." Matt. 22:37.

* They must have a genuine love for his fellow humans. "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Matt. 22:39.

* They must have an exemplary private life, with no hint of scandal. They should serve as role models for the congregation, especially those weaker souls who will always do better if they have an example on which to model their own behavior.

* They must know the Bible thoroughly and be able to teach and interpret it for others. They need a firm belief that the Bible is the Word of God, and a conviction that its teaching is just as relevant today as it was 2,000 years ago. God does not change, nor does human nature.

* They must be able to apply Biblical principles to present-day issues and situations. They should prepare their sermons with a Bible in one hand and a newspaper in the other. They will enable their congregations to recognize issues that are against the spirit or the letter of the God's laws, and encourage them to take action to rectify the matters in question.

* They should not hesitate to condemn wrongdoing. After being sure their information is correct, they should condemn sin and evil wherever they see it, while always encouraging the offender or groups involved to reform and repent.

* They must be unselfish and energetic in their efforts to win souls for Christ. Whether called upon to celebrate Baptisms or funerals, or rites and ceremonies in between, they should prepare thoroughly and conduct the services to the best of their ability, always directing attention to the Trinity, and not to themselves.

* They should have a special love and devotion for children and young people, as Jesus did when he walked among us. Children are the future of the Church on earth. Children are deserving of a special place in heaven. The responsibility for their education and formation as Christians is partially the responsibility of the Church. The leaders must embrace this responsibility willingly and effectively.

* They should be able to delegate responsibility. As leaders, they are needed to preach, teach and conduct worship services. They cannot do everything themselves and do it all well. Other duties, such as finances, building maintenance, weekly bulletins, and guidance of parish or congregational groups should be managed by trusted members of the Church.

* Leaders are also responsible for marginal groups in the congregation and in the community, such as the sick, the homeless, the prisoners, the hungry, and all those whom Jesus would befriend if he walked the streets of towns and cities today.

Since one person's time and energy are limited, leaders must see to it that others are trained and equipped to perform these works of charity in the name of the Church congregation. Even Jesus needed the help of his disciples to carry out all the good works in his day.

The leader who carries out all these responsibilities and tasks well, at the end of his life will gain a great reward. Jesus will say: "Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world." Matt. 25: 34.

No one could hope for more.

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